Monday, November 30, 2009

Two Paths Diverged in a Wood

I am seeing more and more articles in papers, letters to the editor and writings in blogs comparing the current state of our nation to the times of the Revolutionary or Civil Wars. While I don’t think we have reached that degree of disagreement yet, there are some valid points and comparisons. And I am certainly not calling for a violent revolt or overthrow of our federal government. However, I do disagree with those who posit that such an eventuality could never happen here again. Or, that some States might choose separation in lieu of remaining in a socialist or fascist nation. In my estimation, human nature, emotions and passions have not changed in thousands of years. The same ideas and fears that launched those conflicts are still very real and very much alive today. As the writers of the Declaration of Independence related, we Americans are very tolerant and disposed to suffer rather than take hasty action. There is a point, though; at which something must be done. The United States has been slipping free from its constitutional moorings for decades due to the natural tendency of governments to amass more power and the refusal of the States to squash such efforts. We have suffered higher taxes, bloated deficit spending and ridiculous government regulation and intervention in business and the marketplace for far too many years. The current Obama administration has taken this effort to new heights with ferocious speed. We now have trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see, government takeovers of banks and automobile companies, pay czars, diversity czars, insane Cap & Trade bills, an attempted takeover and socialization of our health care industry; in short nationalization of the private business and lives all American citizens. This is blatant fascism! I firmly believe that the current administration does not like the way the United States of America is constituted and seeks to completely remake American in its perverted image. This administration regards the Constitution as a bad joke perpetrated upon the American people. Seeing the States unwillingness to hold its feet to the constitutional fire, this administration essentially ignores the Constitution and its restrictions, laughs it off as an old, irrelevant, living, evolving, pliable document (written by white male slave owners) and ridicules anyone who actually still holds to its tenets. The philosophy in D.C. is that the federal government can do anything it wants to do and no one and nothing can stop it. If the Constitution gets in the way, trample and ignore it. After all, what are the consequences? Well, up to this point, none. If the Supreme Court (a bunch of political appointees with personal agendas) or the States won’t enforce the supreme rule of law upon the Congress and the President, what are the mere People to do? Thus, the stage is set for fascism, tyranny and ultimately, anarchy. Yes, the People elected this President and Congress; but with the expectation that they would act within their legally defined authority under the constraints of the Constitution. Now that we are beyond that point, we very quickly are becoming a nation of men, not laws. Don’t forget, we are a Constitutional Republic with democratically elected representatives, whose power and authority is bound by the limits of the Constitution. We are not a pure democracy; which always leads to the tyranny of the majority over the minority. When the highest elected officials of the land will not obey the most sacred and fundamental laws of our nation, why would they expect the People to act any differently (or better)? The question of 2010 is whether the ballot box will be able to stop and reverse this dangerous slide we have begun into fascism and tyranny. If a major reversal occurs in that election, followed by another in 2012, we may avert a constitutional disaster. That would require the undoing of decades of creeping lawless socialism in our federal government, regulations and statutes. This would amount to a bloodless coup to overthrow the Obama/Pelosi/Reid troika. If this juggernaut is not stopped at the ballot box, however; the path to secession movements or other action may fall into place. I fervently pray this does not happen.

“"The liberties of our country, the freedoms of our civil Constitution are worth defending at all hazards; it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors. They purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood. It will bring a mark of everlasting infamy on the present generation – enlightened as it is – if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of designing men." -Samuel Adams”

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Health & Care of our Nation

I have written at great length about the anti-constitutional usurpation of power by the federal government over the past many years. In my, and many others’ opinion the federal government exceeds its constitutional authority to act and spend in the majority of what it does, aided and abetted by a usually complicit President and a sycophantic Supreme Court composed of blatant political appointees with rabid agendas. The notion that the Court is objective and removed from the vagaries of politics is absurd. The reach of the current federal government far exceeds anything conceived of by even those founding fathers with the most inclination to a strong centralized government. The bastardization of the Constitution, the trampling of the State’s rights and the abrogation of the People’s freedoms has of late reached epic proportions. The health care juggernaut currently consuming the Congress may well be the final straw to prophetically break the camel’s back. It is a truly sad and pathetic commentary on the state of politicians today when legitimate questions brought to them about the constitutional authority to act as they are is laughed off as being silly and lacking any seriousness while the questioners are derided and lampooned as simpletons and fools. This is how our public servants treat those who put them in office, pay their salaries and place their trust in them to do the right thing for the country. The world is truly turned upside down. In addition, to hear the contorted explanations of politicians (most lawyers) as to the purported constitutional authority to act merely affirms the pathetic level of constitutional legal education in our nation’s law schools. Or worse, they actually know the truth but think that they can bamboozle the ‘little people’ with byzantine explanations. Well, we will not be bamboozled! The Constitution was written in plain English; it is not that difficult for the common man to understand. And what the common man understands is that this federal government is acting outside and beyond its legal authority, taking and spending money it has no right to and destroying rights and liberties which come not from the government, but from God. The Constitution promises to protect these rights of the ‘common man’ from abuses of government, not protect the government from the will or wrath of the People. It is not the role of the federal government (whether through Congress, the President or the Supreme Court) to be the final dictator of what the Constitution says and means. These entities are created by the Constitution and thus lesser and subservient to it. They cannot rule on what it means and how it applies to them. That is reserved to the People acting through the States. The States, after all wrote the Constitution thereby creating the federal government to serve them and their respective citizens. That is why our country was originally referred to as the United States IN America, not OF America.
As to our current debate, the federal government has no constitutional role in providing for, insuring for or regulating health care. That is strictly a state-by-state issue. And yes, that would also apply to Medicare and Medicaid. That a Supreme Court ruled on their constitutionality only proves their criminal collusion. Programs such as Social Security and a federal minimum wage also fail the test, but that is a fight for another day. Arguments trotted out by our nefarious Congressional spokesmen about the General Welfare Clause of the Preamble, the fabulously abused Interstate Commerce Clause or the Necessary and Proper Clause are breathtaking only in the audacity of their being brought forth and they are convincing not in the least. As I mentioned earlier, such proclamations are either a testament to enormous intentional chutzpah or a symptom of the decline and fall of constitutional education in the law schools. At any rate, while the current Congress many ram through some health care bill, have this fascist buffoon of a so-called President sign it and no doubt the lackey Supreme Court will give it a false imprimatur of legality; the People and the States will ultimately have none of it. Mark these words, a movement is coming, based upon our founding principles as spelled out in the Declaration of Independence to turn back this tide of creeping federal cannibalism and restore the tenets of the Constitution to their rightful place. It will be a movement of the People and the States. We will once again make it clear that the Constitution means exactly what it says. It is not a living evolving document. It can only be changed by the proper amendment process. If Congress does not have the will to propose a Constitutional Amendment to take over the health care system, then it must leave hands off and let the States and the People see to it. We are on the precipice of becoming a nation, not of laws, but of men. In other words, tyranny which will rapidly devolve into anarchy. The Constitution is the only instrument which separates us from rule at the end of a gun barrel. Right now, the Constitution is barely hanging on by a frayed thread. If the federal government can do anything it wants to We the People simply by virtue of proclaiming that it can and will, without Constitutional restraint; then we are truly adrift on a tempest-tossed sea with no sail, no map and no rudder. The Republic is on the verge of collapse. If that be the case, then only God can help us. Let us pray that we soon come to our senses. God save the Constitution, God save the Republic and God bless America.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Fleeting Thoughts

  • A philosophy of HOPE is religion, NOT government.

  • If I sell incandescent light bulbs after 2014, will the federal government really arrest me for selling Thomas Edison's invention in the United States of America? I would love to do it on national television!